FEATURED INK: You Are Worthy
Between every aha moment and the action that gets things moving is a pause. During this pause, we decide whether or not we are well-equipped and ready to go for our desires. In other words, we quickly assess whether or not we are worthy of this thing that we seek.
If deep down we do not believe that we are worthy of our desires, there is no way that we can allow such desires to flow into our lives. This lack of self-worth can manifest in a variety of different ways. It seeps into many aspects of our lives, impacting our ability to receive the goodness of life-- be it greater prosperity, love or happiness.
Once we gain a strong sense of self and fully grasp hold of the fact that we are worthy, of love, joy and anything we desire, we can step into our individual truths. So why play small? Let's root down in the belief that we are all worthy and open up to the many possibilities awaiting us.
Conscious Ink Staffer
Amanda Brown is a wellness blogger and a member of the Conscious Ink Team at our home office in Bend, OR. She is passionate about helping people find peace with where they are at while pursuing their best, most fulfilling lives. For more of her work, you can head over to her blog at www.liminalwellness.com.