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Ideas. Insights. Ink-spiration.

Conscious Inklings Blogs

We created our blogs to be your mindful compass, guiding you through the intentional use of Conscious Ink to support personal transformation, foster mindfulness, and realize aspirations. Blog articles are often written by our founder and transformational coach, Frank Gjata, whose work has been featured in Yoga Mantra & Health, Modern Meditation, Fitness, Forbes, Shape, Yoga Journal, and The Good News Network, to name a few.

In our Ink Tips & Care Blog, you can discover practical ways to apply, wear, and sustain your Conscious Ink, fostering their lasting impact on your journey toward holistic well-being.

How To Solidify A Moment With Meaning

How To Solidify A Moment With Meaning

Whenever we make a commitment, set an intention or create an affirmation, we often need a little reminding, and words do that so effectively.

Some people write words that remind them of the commitment on Post-it Notes or in journals. That’s because words can be a powerful anchor that brings us back to what matters. They can be metaphors we can apply to all sorts of contexts or statements that move us.

Written words are something we can add to our consciousness toolbox, and printing them out on our skin - even temporarily - can deepen the commitments we’ve made to ourselves.

When we combine the life-changing power of words with the affirming effect of tattoos, the power of an intention is amplified.

How can we use words to recommit in a powerful way and deepen our relationship with ourselves? How can we use temporary tattoos to support our intentions? Can we grow and change without suffering.

3 Invitations To Live More Intentionally, And Playfully

  • How to tattoo a context instead of static words in a commitment
    There are so many ways tattoos can be employed to remind us of what’s important and what we want to focus on. Thei r permanent nature can be intimidating for a lot of us though. Can we use ink in an open-ended way so that the body art evolves with us?
  • A case for play in any context
    We’ve been taught to explore and talk about heavy topics by taking a serious and somber approach, it’s work after all. Can we actually achieve more by dealing with heavy topics with more light-heartedness?
  • How to leapfrog suffering
    They say in order to have a breakthrough, we first need to have a breakdown, but that might be the messaging of our Upper Limit problem. How do we uncouple change and suffering? 
~From the "Be. Play. Love." Podcast with Sophie Chiche & Katie Hendricks

To explore more on this topic, listen to this episode of the "Be. Play. Love" Podcast featuring Conscious Ink Founder, Frank Gjata:

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Why Not...You?

Why Not...You?

No, really, why not?

Has there been something you wanted, but you thought to yourself, "There's just no way.", "That would be impossible.", "Wishful thinking.", "Who am I to think I could do that, or have that?" 

And then perhaps you witness someone else having what you want, and you don't question it all, and think to yourself, "Of course, that makes sense for that person.", or "That person is special, but I'm just ordinary."

Now, could it be that it's precisely these beliefs we have about ourselves, and others, that are keeping us from getting what we want, or even trying? 

Yes, we often don't even try, due to the beliefs we hold. No wonder nothing transpires! We don't even step into the arena! And, of course, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. And we continue to gather more and more data to support our misguided beliefs. Sheesh.

So isn't it about time that we loosen the grip of these false, rigid beliefs?

And how do we do that?

By questioning them. We need to question the #&$! out of these beliefs. Because once we question them earnestly, we'd quickly see how ridiculous and untrue they are.

So, when you catch yourself having a limiting belief about yourself, perhaps having difficulty seeing yourself attaining what you desire, say to yourself, "Wait, why not me?", "It actually IS possible", "If that person can do it, so can I."

Then follow up this inspired state with ACTION. Listen to your intuition. Follow your excitement. Act on what you're passionate about.

Your life will change. Believe you me.

Frank Gjata
Founder Conscious Ink
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Manifesting Mental Wellness: 4 Ways Conscious Ink Can Boost Mental Health and Positivity.

Manifesting Mental Wellness: 4 Ways Conscious Ink Can Boost Mental Health and Positivity.

Who wouldn’t want to be mentally and emotionally fit?

If you too are on a journey to cultivate a healthier mindset and manifest your intentions, you've come to the right place. In this blog, we'll explore the transformative power of Conscious Ink Manifestation Tattoos and how they can support mental health, foster healthy habits, and promote positivity.

How Conscious Ink Manifestation Temporary Tattoos Can Support Permanent Change

Conscious Ink are more than just temporary tattoos – they're powerful messages and symbols of intention designed to help you manifest your best self. Conscious Ink is a movement dedicated to empowering individuals to tap into their inner power and potential through the powerful act of intention setting, and making a commitment toward it.

4 Ways To get Mentally Fit with Conscious Ink

1. Intention Setting for Mental Wellness: Setting intentions is a cornerstone of mental health practices. With Conscious Ink, you can choose a word or phrase that resonates with your mental health goals, such as “Calm" or "Self-Love." This practice helps reprogram your subconscious mind for positivity and resilience.

2. Visual Reminders for Positive Thinking: In a world filled with distractions, Conscious Ink serves as constant visual reminders of your mental health journey. Whether it's a reminder to "Stay Calm" during moments of anxiety or a prompt to "Choose Love" in challenging times, Conscious Ink will keep your mental health goals front and center.

3. Emotional Anchors for Resilience: Emotional anchors are powerful tools for navigating life's ups and downs. When you wear a Conscious Ink positive affirmation, it serves as a portable anchor of resilience. In moments of doubt or stress, simply glancing at your ink can evoke feelings of strength and empowerment.

4. Community Support for Mental Wellness: Wearing Conscious Ink connects you to a community of like-minded individuals who are also prioritizing their mental wellness. This sense of belonging provides support and encouragement, reminding you that you're not alone in your journey. So, team up, grab a friend, and ink together and support one another!

In addition to supporting mental health, Conscious Ink Manifestation Tattoos also play a key role in fostering healthy habits and promoting positivity. By reinforcing positive affirmations and beliefs, these tattoos help rewire our brains for success and fulfillment. Whether you're striving to cultivate gratitude, embrace self-love, or attract abundance into your life, there's a Conscious Ink for every intention and aspiration.

So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of self-transformation and empowerment, we invite you to join the Conscious Ink movement. Together, we can harness the power of intention, cultivate positive habits, and foster mental wellness, one body at a time.

~The Conscious Ink team

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How to Apply Temporary Tattoos

How to Apply Temporary Tattoos

Whether you're pondering how to get the most out of your temporary tattoo, or just wanting to know how to remove your temporary tattoo, this guide will cover it all.
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How Long Does a Temporary Tattoo Last?

How Long Does a Temporary Tattoo Last?

Temporary tattoos are just that—temporary. Their lifespan can vary significantly based on several factors, such as the type of temporary tattoo, your skin type, and how you take care of it.
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How to Make Temporary Tattoos Look Real

How to Make Temporary Tattoos Look Real

Making temporary tattoos look real involves several techniques that enhance their appearance and longevity. Here are some strategies to make your temporary tattoos mimic the real thing:
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