How do we best support our dear friends and family when they're stuggling with illness? Our curated Collection of Conscious Ink Manifestation Tattoos focused on healing and encouragement have provided relief and hope to many. “I recently completed treatments for breast cancer and I found that having some positive mantras such as what you provide at Conscious Ink has helped me a great deal. I am well now and thriving but anxiety and fear of recurrence are ever present. ...So thank you again for what you are doing. You are helping folks beyond what you will ever know. Be well.” ~DaphneRead more
How do we best support our dear friends and family when they're stuggling with illness? Our curated Collection of Conscious Ink Manifestation Tattoos focused on healing and encouragement have provided relief and hope to many. “I recently complet...ed treatments for breast cancer and I found that having some positive mantras such as what you provide at Conscious Ink has helped me a great deal. I am well now and thriving but anxiety and fear of recurrence are ever present. So thank you again for what you are doing. You are helping folks beyond what you will ever know. Be well.” ~DaphneRead more