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In the realm of personal growth and spirituality, the concept of manifestation has sparked considerable interest and curiosity. But what does it mean to manifest something, and more importantly, how does manifestation work? The journey of understanding manifestation is not just about learning how to manifest what you want; it's about grasping the profound significance of the power of manifestation in our lives.

Understanding Manifestation: More Than Just Wishful Thinking

Deliberate manifestation isn't merely about wishful thinking or daydreaming about your desires. It's a process rooted in the belief that our thoughts and feelings can directly influence our reality. So, what is manifesting, and is manifesting real? We are always manifesting, whether we’re thinking about it or not. The question is are we manifesting what we want, or what we don’t want? At its core, to deliberately manifest something you want involves aligning your thoughts, emotions, and energy with your intentions, thereby attracting your desires into your life. But does this kind of deliberate manifesting work, and if so, how do you manifest your desires effectively?

The Real Challenge: Attaining a Genuine State of Joy

While some advocate the practice of visualizing and feeling as though you already possess what you desire, this approach often proves challenging. The question arises: how to properly manifest when merely pretending to feel joyful can be strenuous and sometimes counterproductive? The truth is, our emotions are not isolated; they permeate our entire being. When you're feeling down, it's not just about that one specific issue—your entire body, mind, and emotional state resonate with that energy.

The Power of Authentic Positive Energy

The key to effective manifestation of what you desire lies in genuinely elevating your energy and emotional state. Quantum physics suggests that like energy attracts like, making your vibrational state pivotal. So, how do you manifest something authentically? It starts with engaging in activities that naturally uplift your spirits. Whether it's listening to music, immersing yourself in nature, or enjoying a heart-to-heart conversation with a friend, these activities aren't just ways to manifest more of what you want; they're also pathways to genuine happiness.

Personalizing Your Manifestation Journey

To manifest someone or something meaningful, it's essential to identify what resonates with you deeply. What are the things that align with your true self? Reflect on your passions and incorporate them into your daily routine. The process of how to manifest what you want becomes more intuitive and effective when it's deeply personal and aligned with your authentic self.

Integrating Joy into Your Daily Life

Manifesting isn't a one-time act; it's a lifestyle. The power of manifestation unfolds beautifully when you consistently incorporate joy and positive activities into your everyday life. Scheduling time for these activities ensures that you're not just occasionally dipping into a state of happiness but are cultivating it as a constant in your life.

The Seamless Path to Manifesting Your Desires

Ultimately, the essence of manifestation is not about fixating on specific outcomes but about fostering a consistently positive state of being. When you focus on feeling good and raising your vibrational energy, the process of deliberate manifesting becomes more effortless and natural. It's a win-win situation: you enjoy the journey, and the universe aligns to bring your desires into fruition.

The journey of manifesting what you want is about much more than just obtaining what you desire. It's about understanding the deeper implications of embracing the practices that nurture your soul and elevate your spirit. As you embark on this transformative path, remember that the true power of fruitful manifestation lies within your ability to find genuine joy and positivity in the fabric of your everyday life.

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Great...And Not So Great... Expectations.

Great...And Not So Great... Expectations.

Most of us have heard, and believe, that having expectations is bad. There are many quotes out there echoing this sentiment. Even Shakespeare seemed to share this belief with his quote, "Expectation is the root of all heartache."  

And if we posted that on Facebook and Instagram, we're surely to get lots of likes, thumb ups, and favorable comments.
But here's the thing. We cannot not have expectations, even if we try really, really hard.
Why? Because we will always have subconscious expectations.
How do we know what our subconscious expectations are?
Simply, ask yourself...honestly.
Ask yourself what you really expect from an upcoming interaction, a job interview, or from the universe at large.
You'll get an answer.
Expectations are simply beliefs we have about ourselves, and our place in the world.
So...since we can't get rid of expectations altogether...no matter how hard we pretend...we may as well as pick expectations that we prefer. Or at a minimum challenge the self-defeating expectations we have for ourselves.
How do we that?
We question those self-defeating expectatons or limiting beliefs.
We may ask ourselves, "Where did I develop this expectation?" "Did I inherit it from someone?", "Is my expectation really valid?"
You may be thinking that you actually have data/facts/experiences that support the expectations you carry. And that may be true.
But what also is true is that not all people have the same expectations. In fact, they may have completely different data/facts/experiences than you.
Now you may be thinking...well, that isn't fair...and spiral further down the "victim" mentality black hole.
But it's actually good news that others have different expectations and experiences.
Because this means that expectations and beliefs are maleable and interchangeable.
Get curious and inquisitive about this. Ask friends you admire what they might expect and believe if they were in a similar situation as you. 
Tune into podcasts. Listen to interviews of people you respect. Get a sense of what they expect...what they believe.
Then, acknowledge the following truth: If they can have certain (different) expectations, beliefs and experiences, so can you.
Get into the habit of seeing things from different perspectives. Try them on for yourself. See the world, and your situation, through different lenses. You'll soon notice that lenses are indeed interchangeable.
Ultimately, if they can experience something, so can you.
And yes, that includes miracles.
Because if a miracle is possible for one, it's possible for another.
And yes, that includes...you.
In joy.
Frank Gjata
Founder Conscious Ink


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