New Intentions Manifestation Kit - Save 15% – Conscious Ink
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New Intentions Manifestation Kit (Save 15%)

$55.00 $64.00 Sale
  • Disrupts Negative SelfTalk image
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  • Promotes Healthy Habits image
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  • 4-9 Star Review Avg. image
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A Special Tool Kit For The Soul $55 ($64 value/save $9)

The New Intentions Manifestation Kit includes 17 Manifestation Tattoos, and a Manifestation Tattoo Greeting Card to send to yourself :-). More details below.

What do you want to manifest? Ready to make a breakthrough? This unique and powerful Manifestation Kit offers a special combination of Manifestation Tattoos and a Manifestation Greeting Card (all personally and heart-fully selected by our founder) to support you with materializing your dreams and desires, by addressing them at the ROOT LEVEL!

One of the reasons our conscious intentions don't stick is that we have a contradictory SUBCONSCIOUS intention or commitment that blocks our conscious desires. These blocks often come in the form of an old belief or energetic pattern that we don't even realize are at play. One way to identify a deep rooted subconscious belief or pattern is notice a familiar theme, or feeling you're used to having, in your life, like, "nobody notices me", "I'm not appreciated", "I'm not good enough", "I'm unlovable". We will actually subconsciously create our reality to match our beliefs! And until we unhook these old beliefs, our conscious intentions will have no chance. That's why we included some of the tattoos below to address these patterns. Read the Manifestation Tattoo descriptions below.

For more on how to break old patterns, shed outdated beliefs, and make life changing shifts, read more from our founder, Frank Gjata's work called "Acknowledge is Power" here:

Happy manifesting to you all!

Your Manifestation Kit includes:

This year's theme is "What you seek is seeking you." ~Rumi. You'll receive one of this Oversized Ink Manifestation Tattoo, two each of 8 other supportive Manifestation Tattoos, and one "I Love You" Manifestation Greeting Card, to support you in making the shifts you would like to manifest in the new year. Below are some suggestions as to how you may want to utilize these powerful messages with other practices and tools.

I Love You Manifestation Greeting Card.
Without self love, we go matter how hard we try, how much work we do, how many mantras we say. The invitation here is to write yourself a €œlove letter€. Write all the things you love and appreciate about yourself. If this is difficult for you, think about someone/something you love unconditionally, without a doubt. Follow suit...write about yourself in the same manner. Other feelings may come up while writing. Follow your pen's lead. Let it flow. Whatever comes up. Write about your fears, tears, and any regrets you may have. After you're done, take some deep breaths. Perhaps, take a leisurely stroll. Be extra gentle and compassionate with yourself.

What you seek is seeking you. ~Rumi
Isn't this a comforting thought??! This is really true. What we seek IS seeking us. We just have to get out of our way, with our old thought patterns, and outdated beliefs that are keeping what we want at bay! No more. Connect with your higher self. Go on a fun adventure of coming home to yourself, with everything you ever imagined, right there with you.
Let's do this!
What really feels exciting to you to manifest? How would you feel best supported in this transformation? Do you have any favorite archetypes? Special supportive friends, or family? Bring them along to join your team of support. Imagine them with you, high five-ing you, every step of the way.

Challenge your thoughts to accept yourself Do you have any negative thoughts? Are they really true? If they seem so, challenge those thoughts, and connect to DEEPER truths. If you have negative thoughts replaying and replaying, they're going to make it very difficult to manifest new thought patterns. First, be truthful with yourself, and face the negative thought. Follow the thought...when/where did it first appear? Did something happen? Did someone tell you something? Whatever it is, face those thoughts, and the feelings that may come up. Allow them to move through. Then, question them! They may have felt true, at some point in your life, but are they true today? Let this Manifestation Tattoo remind of what's really true, and what's really important...accepting yourself.

Courage Courage
Courage cures rage. Use these powerful reminders to access the courage within you. You may want to wear these as super-powerful wrist/armbands, and wear them like Wonder Woman (or Superman) would, to bounce away any self-doubts, or thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve!

There are ALWAYS new possibilities available, even if we can't see them, or believe them. Let this message remind us to stay open, and to look around, and within. What is available to you at this moment?

Shift Shift
Stuck? No worries. Just make a shift. Take a deep breath. Move your body. Start dancing. Call a friend. What are your favorite ways to shift? Make that shift, and get back on course!

What's keeping you stuck? Perhaps, it's something you did, or some thoughts you may have, that may make you feel undeserving of what you truly desire? What is it? Invoke understanding and compassion for yourself. You were doing the best you could at that time. It's time to let yourself off the hook. Forgive yourself. Set yourself free. It's the most loving you can do for yourself, others, even the world. Or, perhaps, you're angry at someone else, or the whole world? And it's these feelings that are actually imprisoning you. Get in touch with that, and see how holding on to this grievance, is keeping YOU from moving on. Use forgiveness as a tool for your freedom.

Love yourself
Self-love is the all-healing, all-powerful, magical elixir! Humans have the beautiful capability of experiencing an emotion and loving ourselves at the same time. Don't deny your feelings, or push them away. Accept them. Allow them. And love yourself at the same time!

I Am Safe
Feeling safe is paramount, especially when we're making changes! Subconsciously, we can create a reality that we're used to experiencing, and feelings we're used to feeling. When we change things up, we can go into fight, flight, freeze, or faint. This 1st Chakra Tattoo "I feel safe" will remind you that you're indeed safe and that the scary feelings you may be having are just energy wanting to move through. When those feelings come up, just breathe, and stay with yourself, with a combination of strength and compassion, as we would be with a dear friend going through something challenging.

Wishing you a beautiful year! May all your desires manifest into reality!