What Is The Most Self-Loving Choice?
We tend to weigh decisions from a linear perspective of what we think would be "good or bad", "better or worse". Often, we honestly don't know what each decision would bring. We'd just be guessing. 😳
And some us (you know who you are 😁) create elaborate charts and graphs, weighing (perhaps, heavily weighing) any and all of the potential pros and cons. This can be useful in some instances, but if you notice "decision fatigue" settling in, there may be a simpler, and even more accurate, way.
Try instead asking yourself...what would be most self-loving decision?
You may surprised by the answer.
With this question, there is no right or wrong. Better or worse. Just the simple, freeing truth...of what would be the most self-loving action for you to take at that particular time.
This perspective also taps into your subconscious that may not be readily apparent, or tracked, in even the most robust of charts and graphs.
One more important thing to be aware of when making decisions...is your state of mind. Most would agree that it may not be so wise to make a long-term decision from a temporary state of mind. Meaning if you feel tired, scared or stressed, you may want to first focus on getting some rest. Then, revisit the decision making at that time, when you feel rested, and grounded.
When you focus on self love, there are no heavy decisions to weigh. The answer is clear. Let it be. You'll no doubt feel lighter.✨
Frank Gjata
Founder, Conscious Ink