Our Body Wants To Be Healed. Our Soul Wants To Be Free.
Stuck energy, old wounds and buried emotions are stored within the cells of our body….and are kept there as long as we keep our defenses up (including a long list of our many other creative human shenanigans).
This stuck energy steals much of our life force and vitality. To our subconscious, which monitors our basic survival, the release of these old wounds and emotions would feel like certain death…since that’s what it felt like at the onset of the wound.
So there’s a good reason most of us unconsciously and consciously avoid looking at our old wounds…as to prevent the release of “scary” overwhelming feelings.
That’s why we get triggered in fight/flight, time and time again. Have compassion for yourself and others! This really does feel scary…if you don’t know what’s going and you’ve never made it through before.
But here’s the truth: You won’t die, even though it may feel that way. All feelings are simply waves of energy. There are no “bad” feelings. The damage comes from not acknowledging and allowing the feelings to move through.
If we let the rainstorm of emotion move through when it comes up, we’d reach sunny skies in no time…typically in just a matter of moments!
But until we allow the energy to move through, it may be trapped within us for a lifetime.
~Frank Gjata
founder, Conscious Ink