Bold Action May Cause Shortness of Breath. Heart Palpitations. And Freedom Beyond Imagination.
Taking daring adventures doesn’t have to imply extreme sports like Bungee Jumping, or Sky Diving. To adventure daringly can also apply to taking bold action in our everyday lives, which perhaps can even feel scarier than jumping out of a plane at 10,000 ft.
What kind of action are we talking about here?
— Having that conversation you’ve been avoiding with your spouse or significant other.
— Facing something in your life you’ve been too scared to face because of the action you think it would require.
— Speaking up about something you’ve been pushing your feelings down about it.
Taking these kinds of actions takes true courage…courage even beyond facing physical fears.
But the rewards you may gain, and the elation you may feel upon completion will be extended beyond a runner’s high.
So, is there some bold action you’d be willing to take today?
If the answer is yes, congratulations! You will be in elite company. Just don’t be startled if you notice your heart pounding, adrenaline pumping, and the holding of your breath.
Take a moment. Enjoy a few deep breaths.
Ready? One, two, three…
Frank Gjata
Founder, Conscious Ink