Conscious Inklings Blog. Ideas, Insights & Ink-spiration! – Page 9
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Conscious Inklings Blog. Ideas, Insights & Ink-spiration!

Embrace Your Problems. They’re On Your Side!  (No really, they are.)

Embrace Your Problems. They’re On Your Side! (No really, they are.)

The problems we face aren’t the root cause of our pain. They’re the result of it.

Don't get me wrong, it can be super challenging dealing with our problems!

But the underlying real pain we experience stems from not living the truth of who we really are…that’s what’s excruciating. That’s why, after much suffering, we may finally come to say things like, “I can’t take it anymore!", etc.
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Please Stand.

Please Stand.

There are few things more powerful than the simple act of standing.

Gandhi stood for peace. Martin Luther King Jr. stood for equality. Mother Teresa stood for compassion. Hardly pushovers.

So what makes this standing so powerful?

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In the midst of working through the day-to-day laundry list of to-dos, let's not lose sight of what life really is.

Life by definition is "the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death".

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The Power of a Morning Ritual

The Power of a Morning Ritual

The first hour of the day has a profound influence on the rest of the day. A daily morning ritual is particularly powerful because it sets us up to feel good and move through the day with ease. Life can get busy and if we don't make time to care for ourselves first thing in the morning, it is likely that other obligations will take precedence. 
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The Art Of (Re)Commitment

The Art Of (Re)Commitment

Many of us have goals in mind that we have not yet managed to bring into fruition. It is all too easy to berate ourselves for these unrealized goals, to think that these instances were due to a lack of commitment on our part. However, I am going to argue for the contrary. Our missteps are not a sign of a lack of commitment.
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Struggling? How About A Magical Solution?

Struggling? How About A Magical Solution?

Wouldn’t it be nice to order up some magic at will? If things could magically fall into place, instead of always trying so hard, efforting, forcing, and feeling like everything is an uphill battle?

Doesn’t that just sound Ah-mazing?? 

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The invitation here is to experiment and play with your actual day-to-day experience (your personal reality). You know, all the things we typically experience during our day. How we interact. How we feel. How people treat us. What usually happens.
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FEATURED INK: Breathe/Fear

FEATURED INK: Breathe/Fear

Often times fear is a sign that we are stepping into our grandest, most audacious selves. Fear doesn't knock on the door of those who play small, staying cozy in the solace of their comfort zones. Rather fear creeps in when we decide to leave the boundaries we have deemed as safe. For many of us, fear is most prevalent when we put ourselves out into the world-- giving a presentation, leaving home for a new city, approaching an attractive stranger, etc..    
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We all are likely familiar with the universal law of karma, which embodies the concept that whatever we put out into the world will eventually flow back to us. Today I would like to apply this notion to the state of our physical bodies. How we treat our bodies has everything to do with how our bodies treat us.
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FEATURED INK: You are a walking miracle. Strut accordingly.

FEATURED INK: You are a walking miracle. Strut accordingly.

The odds of being born are about one in 400 trillion. We are flesh cocktails-- within us all is a universe of bacteria, cells and chemical reactions that maintain a balance harmonious enough to sustain our existence. Essentially, we are miracles--- walking, breathing, speaking miracles moving through life. 
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Follow What You Love. It Knows What's Up.

Follow What You Love. It Knows What's Up.

Ever observe people in love?

Their love spills onto everything, right? They'll love up the store clerk. They'll love up the rainy day. They'll even love up the traffic!

And it doesn't matter what or who they're "in love" with to have this effect. They can be in love with another person. They can be in love with themselves. They can just be in love with life itself.
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Mirror, Mirror, What Do You Have To Teach Me?

Mirror, Mirror, What Do You Have To Teach Me?

We often hear that our world, and our relationships, mirror back to us how we're acting and behaving. Oftentimes, people think that this simply means what's being reflected back to us is our treatment of others…what some people might think of as Karma, so to speak. While this may also be identified, from my observation and experience, this isn't the primary mechanism of how this "law" works.
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